AAW is a place for like-minded passionate Americans to share their views on anything American. There's a lot going on in our country so I don't suspect we'll run out of focus topics. This forum was designed with you, the passionate American, in mind so please feel free to articulate what it is you're passionate about.
Whether you agree with the current state of affairs, America's direction on the path of life, or its political or socioeconomic standing in the world, there's something that no doubt ignites your passion. You're invited to share that passion right here. The blog posts you'll find here are designed to serve as a springboard to interactivity and constructive dialogue among its members. We all have opinions and will often disagree on details but I believe we all share the desire for our country to stand out as the great country we truly know it to be.

America spoke up when they changed the balance of power last year in Congress. Did it do any good or should we have done the same in the Senate as well? As we all know now, balance doesn't always result in agreement. In fact, quite the opposite has happened. A republican majority in the house and a democratic majority in the senate has actually resulted in political positioning, discord, and stalemate. Was it any better when a majority ruled both houses? Or is that too much power? How do we fix this? One thing is clear...crystal clear. Wall Street doesn't care for it one bit!
In a future post we'll chat about LEADERSHIP at the local and national and international levels in more detail. For now, let's try to stay on point with respect to American economics and its effect on us individually and collectively as a nation.
Some things to get you started...Are you better off financially today or worse off? Do you have a job? Is it the job you want? Will it be there tomorrow? Are we in a double-dip recession? What have you done to sheild yourself from the decline?
There's so much to talk about when it comes to the America we all desire. Post your opinions and passions on this week's topic and feel free to make suggestions for the format you'd like to see here. Try to stay on point as best you can and please be respectful of other's opinions. because after all, passionate topics bring about passionate positions. Yours is no less important than anyone else's...it may just be different. Write on fellow Warriors!