Friday, February 3, 2012

Somewhere over an obscure, precisely pre-determined location, operating under the cloak of darkness, is a highly-trained, highly-specialized, special operations operative.  Some are called Commandos, some Rangers, others are MARSOC (US Marines), US Army Delta or Navy SEALs.  Every one of these lethal warriors operate under the overall direction of the United States Special Operations Command, or USSOCOM. 

I have the distinct privilege of working in a division of the Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC) that brings me into daily contact with some of the finest people I have ever met.  As America's quiet warriors, these Air Commandos rotate in and out of several countries throughout the world in support of SOCOM missions and directives that facilitate peace, preserve life, and promote human dignity among all mankind.  Their job is not easy and isn't always pleasant by any stretch of the imagination.  Oftentimes, they're called upon to support objectives that place their own lives in the balance of delicacy.  Yet, they go forth willingly, courageously accepting the risks that inevitably come with the call of duty.

So it goes, as we sleep peacefully at night, secure in our homes in still one the freest nations on earth, our quiet warriors are in some 120 countries around the world conducting operations as diverse as the mind of man can conceive...and beyond.  They do it for reasons as varied and unique as each individual is from one another.  But the common thread connecting them all is their love of America and the principles we imbue as a free nation.

Every warrior has a story to tell.  I'm reminded of the recent hostage rescue by our beloved Navy SEALs in western Somalia on the eve of the Presidential State of the Union address.  The same SEAL team (SEAL Team 6) that eliminated Bin Laden under the direction and watchful eyes of the Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC), Brigadier General Brad Webb sitting front and center at a computer terminal, with the President and members of the cabinet looking on.  This same team of courageous warriors (may or may not have been some of the same members), conducted the rescue of American Jessica Buchanan and and Dane Poul Hagen.  

The SEALs reportedly parachuted from a USAF special operations aircraft, maneuvered to their objective on foot, and found the two hostages, kidnapped in Somalia last fall.  I can only imagine the look of terror on the faces of the kidnappers when they were confronted by the world's most lethal forces. 

There are many stories that surround the good work of our Special Operations Forces (SOF).  If you have a story you'd like to share, drop me a line or leave a comment.  If you enjoyed this article, share it with a friend.  Tell them that, despite the fiscal cutbacks in our government, there will always be a SOF presence somewhere on this globe of ours protecting the very freedoms we hold dear. 

Sleep well, for America's quiet warriors are standing watch!

- G -


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